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Peppers in November

November 20, 2009

Here in Sacramento we are still getting Anaheim peppers in our garden in mid-late November.  In fact, I think we have more of them now than we’ve had all season.  It’s kind of insane, and disturbing, if you think about it too much.

While I was in Texas, one of the other students was from Mexico and taught me how to make chili rellenos.  I’ve been craving them ever since, so when I noticed all the peppers hanging out in the garden a few days ago I knew exactly what I’d make with them.

So that’s not the best picture ever, but they were pretty dang good.  And, in an effort to be more authentic (and to make up for the brown rice being the least authentic thing ever), I put cheese in the beans.  Do you normally do this when you make beans?  It makes them about 100 times more delicious.  They get all creamy and awesome.  And it hardly takes any cheese at all.

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  1. Dad permalink
    November 20, 2009 4:56 pm

    gggggGGGGGGgggggmmmm…….chili rellenos.

    That does it…..I’m getting chili rellenos for lunch. I’ve been taking a bag lunch to the office every day, but today it’s chili rellenos.

    • November 20, 2009 7:03 pm

      They are so easy to make, and way better than restaurant rellenos. I’ll teach you guys next time I’m up in Redding.

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